State of Mind
How are you doing these days?

The wheel of time spins faster each moment we’re alive, and we want to slow it down. Yet we’re yearning for more connection and doing more while being grateful for all we have and whom we have to share this life.

We’re reflecting and opening up more today—mental health matters.

Our armor is frail, yet we wear it proudly to protect ourselves when heading to battle to fight for our love.

We are phased with trials of life and seeking to overcome them in the name of growth. Lately, a challenge has been the art of getting started, the motivation to continue, or the grief associated with letting go.

We are experiencing growing pains—seeing our loved one feeling further from us with time and trying not to feel desperate for connection.

We feel exposed and vulnerable when reminded of feelings and emotions associated with hurt.

We feel envy and jealousy when we see other parents, and hopeful for our time to come.

There we said, we’re in a funk! We don’t like it, but it’s our reality, and we’re tired of feeling in denial.

Vulnerability has many faces
A moment before the storm

A life lesson we recently started to experience is to recognize and be in tune with how we feel, slow down, and rest to start another day again.

To unwind and find joy in stimulating yet distracting activities to not dwell on what fuels our insecurities.

To wake and see the light on a new day and bask in the warmth and comfort of feeling alive.

To see the darkness lesson, even if temporary, and recharge to find our center and look ahead.

There is no better time to share with you that there are fears. There are so many things we want to do. But our minds are capable of change. We put in the work with intentionality to overcome the triggers of anxiety to achieve positive thoughts and fuel our drive forward.

The crow sees all
A breakthrough

We look back and think we are where we are in our careers (software design for Edward and software implementation for David), all we’ve seen together in the world, and what we’re doing now. We are building systems to organize our weekly, monthly, and annual tasks around the new house. Most importantly, we are working to become dads this year in one way or another. Please keep following up for more soon.

Turning the calendar to February means daylight is around for longer. And, of course, this month marks the time to celebrate love. For both of us, our birthdays are also near. We are growing and becoming more intentional with our actions each day and year we have. As they say in Annie, “the sun’ll come out tomorrow.” And we keep holding onto that hope!

Thank you for all you give us, and we look forward to sharing more with you too. Has winter been extra hard on your mind this year?

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About Midwest Husbands

We are an interracial, same-sex married couple, on our journey of building a family, turning our house into a home and capturing our daily adventures.

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